Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Word of the Day

Dehermitize - When a person comes out of self-imposed isolation and engages in social activities.

I refuse to feel guilty about doing nothing but folding one small load of towels today. It was a great day! The weather cooled after yesterday's rain. The sun was shining. I did note that my parents' dog doesn't like getting her feet wet. She gave me the most reproachful look when I took her for a walk and she was forced to walk in the grass with its morning dew. She has the most ridiculous way of acting like someone has been beating her. I promise. I have not been mistreating my parents' dog. I even let her sit on my lap this afternoon while I watched TV and knitted on the sweater I decided to make for myself. She decided my legs needed a good cleaning. Dog spit. Yuck!

I made hummingbird nectar this morning. Sigh. I ruined one of my hummingbird feeders. It melted. Never try and put boiling hot hummingbird nectar into a plastic hummingbird feeder. I guess I'll have to buy a new feeder the next time I visit the city. I let the remaining nectar cool and filled two of my other feeders. Of the gallon of nectar that I made, I have one quart remaining. If I hadn't melted the one feeder, I wouldn't even have that. My goodness, my hummingbirds are little flying pigs. I'm willing to bet that I'll be refilling feeders again in a couple of days.

Murphyism of the Day

Waldrop's Principle

The person not here is the one working on the problem.

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