Monday, August 22, 2005

Word of the Day

Destinesia - The experience of purposely walking to another room with the intention of doing something then realizing you have no idea what it was you were going to do.

I went out blackberry picking. It had been so hot and humid and now it looks like the picking season is over faster then one could imagine. As I was picking the last of the blackberries, I noted that it smelled like Fall. The leaves aren't changing. But a cool front rolled in and I notice that it's only 68°F today. I better get out and pick the beans. They must be as confused by this weather as the tomatoes.

Sweater Project Update. I started on the sleeves. The cuffs are finished and I've completed eight inches beyond the cuff. It should be interesting to see if I can make all the increases called for before I reach the underarm length that they call for. Oh well...I have really long arms so I'm sure I'll have knit the arms longer then they ask for.

Murphyism of the Day

Hoffer's Law

When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other.

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