Monday, August 01, 2005

Word of the Day

Deaned - Being discovered misbehaving by a dean at school, subsequently being punished and sad.

So...if it's 99°F out on the south side of my house, and it's 83°F on the north side of my house, do I split the difference and say that it's a miserably hot and humid 91°F ? I did venture outside to pick the zucchini before they turned into logs. I also picked the cucumbers and the beans and the tomatoes that have ripened magically in only in the last 48 hours. In just that short time, it became more than obvious that I wouldn't be doing any berry picking today. I came back inside looking like I got hit by a water balloon. Women don't sweat...they glow. Hah! They look like someone attacked them with a water balloon but with none of the cooling effects such an event would provide. Thank goodness for air-conditioning but regardless, I think I'll be cooking outside on the deck tonight. No point in over-taxing the system. Am I surprised that it's hot outside? Nope. It's August. It's summer. And? Summer is summer. Heat and humidity are just a small part of it. People actually pay good money for steam bathes. All I have to do is go outside and sit. And all I have to pay is the exorbitant Wisconsin property taxes.

Murphyism of the Day

Hadley's Laws of Clothing Shopping

1. If you like it, they don't have it in your size.

2. If you like it and it's in your size, it doesn't fit anyway.

3. If you like it and it fits, you can't afford it.

4. If you like it, it fits and you can afford it, it falls apart the first time you wear it.

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