Friday, August 05, 2005

Word of the Day

Deceptacon - A person suspected of being a liar, or untruthful.

Since it was such a beautiful day today, I decided to hike down the old logging road. It's a long hike. Plus, the old logging road hasn't been used in a long time. I haven't hiked it since last summer. It was a bit daunting to have to blaze trail through grass and weeds that were taller then me. I made it to my folks' cabin with only on fall and a couple of banged up shins. Of course, my knee started complaining when I was only half way to my destination. Then my hip followed suit. By the time I got to my folks' place both my knee and my hip were screaming bloody murder at me, sure that I was trying to kill them. For the most part I ignored them. When they got too outrageous I told them to shut up. If Devil Dog Daughter can go through bootcamp with a broken hip and Marine Combat Training with a broken hip and a broken femur, my knee and hip can just shut up and stop complaining. I took a couple of advil. And I drank a beer. My knee and hip are still grousing but I don't plan to irritate them anymore tonight.

The blackberries are just starting to ripen. In a day or so I'll go out and pick again. Shhh! Don't tell my knee and hip.

Murphyism of the Day

The Schainker Converse to Hoare's Law of Larger Problems

Inside every small problem is a larger problem struggling to get out.

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