Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Word of the Day

Diarhea - Two-headed South American ostrich-like flightless bird.

Six pints of green beans and still need to peel and can tomatoes. I won't even go into the fact that I really should go out and pick more green beans and tomatoes. Today has been spent catching up on what needs to be done.

Sweater Project Update: I'm finishing up the side button bands (no buttonholes or I guess I should call them bands.) I'll start on the pockets next.

All the above was being done while Fox News showed the horrible events that have followed Hurricane Katrina.

Day Two-A Gambler's Tale

We all met for breakfast. Although we were hoping to surprise HTP with a visit from our youngest daughter and his husband, I think he began to suspect when he intercepted a phone message in our room. Oh well. We met for breakfast. Thankfully, they were able to find a table for the seven of us. Wonderful! Breakfast was comped so we ate our fill. After a long breakfast with tales that caught us all up on what everyone had been doing, we all returned to our varied activities. HTP and I arranged to meet our daughter and her husband at a Mexican restaurant for supper.

In keeping with a theme, I discovered a new beer. New to me. Sol. When I asked for a Corona, I was told that they didn't have Corona, "Did I want to try a Sol?". Sure, why not. It was pretty good. Not bad at all. It did strike me as rather funny whenever I asked for another Sol because a pun using Soul and Sol came to mind. "I lost my soul, can you bring me another?" I wonder how many souls I consumed during my stay in Laughlin.

The Mexican Restaurant wasn't all that good. The salsa was awful and the chimichanga wasn't anything to brag about. We did wash it all down with two pitchers of margaritas so it wasn't a total loss.

Gambling on Day Two? Nothing. I mean NOTHING was gained except points which I used to get a free alarm clock with calculator. Interesting little item. Why would someone need a calculator that has a built in alarm clock? Oh...and I got two manicure kits too. Stay tuned for Day Three- A Gambler's Tale in tomorrow's blog.

Murphyism of the Day

Lord Balfour's Contention

Nothing matters very much, and very few things matter at all.

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