Saturday, August 06, 2005

Word of the Day

Deeriary - Variant of topiary. Shrubbery with interesting shapes created by deer munching them. Also connotes derriere, behind, as in left behind by deer.

Today was spent, as permitted by my grousing knee and hip, on level ground. As much as possible. I did go down the hill to the lake to pick some blackberries. Apparently, going down was just fine with my knee and hip. They just didn't want me to make the return trip up hill. Soooo, I just crab-walked back up the hill with my berries and spent the rest of the day watching TV.

HTP and I will be going out for supper tonight with HTP's sister and her family. In self-defense, calorie-wise, I decided not to make any lunch. I'm sure the calorie intake for our supper won't have even a slim chance of burning off in the near future. So any calories that I can avoid, must be avoided.

Last night we ate too much over at my sister's place. She made a wonderful meal of fried fish, salads and forbidden treats. It was wonderful. Equally so was the company of my brother (The Fern King) and his family, my sister and her husband, my folks and HTP.

Murphyism of the Day

Big Al's Law

A good solution can be successfully applied to almost any problem.

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