Sunday, January 02, 2005

We're back in Arizona. Another safe trip to and from Las Vegas. We had fun and ate way too much. I can't complain about the wait crossing the Dam. It was a lot better then the two hours I was expecting because of the mass exodis of people having to go back to work tomorrow. It only took one hour. If you want a description of what crossing the Dam was like today read the blog I wrote when we crossed it a few days ago and then calculate an additional half and hour into the equation. One learns to pack their patience when crossing the Hoover Dam. Speaking of packing...unpacking...I still need to do that. I'll blog first.

By now my daughter is on her way to Des Moines, Iowa...her point of departure for boot camp. She leaves for her "vacation" to Parris Island tomorrow. I wish I could have had a chance to talk to her before she left but I'm sure she'll do just fine and doesn't need or want any further words of encouragement from her Mommy and Daddy. This girl is going to be a Marine! Oorah!? Lord! This is something that I never in my wildest imaginings ever imagined. Of course, my kids have a tendancy to do that to me on a regular basis. What a roller-coaster ride!

Murphyism of the Day

Hanlon's Razor

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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