Friday, January 28, 2005

Word of the Day

Asthma (v.), what you do if Dad says no.

It's Friday! Not that it makes much difference to us retired folks. Most days are Fridays in our minds. The only day that really sticks out to us is Sunday. Church. No mail service so there's no point in walking over to the mailbox to get the mail. The bank is closed so if we're out of money, we have to use the ATM machine. Still, Friday remains a special memory for me. HTP still loves the Friday All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry's both here in Arizona (there aren't too many in the desert but we found one), and in Wisconsin (there's lots of fish and fish fry's in Wisconsin...lots of lakes). I remember Fridays fondly because that meant HTP would be home from work for two whole days and he could finally tackle stuff on the Honey Do List and help out with the kids while I was finally able to go out (alone) shopping. I lived for those weekends when I could go out in the car all by myself. No kids fighting in the backseat. No having to strap and unstrap kids from carseats and strollers that also needed to be unfolded and refolded. Of course I still had to do all those other things on weekends (swim practice, soccer, T-ball, swim meets, church) but I had just a few hours of freedom. You treasure those moments. Then, even if I didn't escape from the house in the car, I had the freedom on weekends to sit in the bathtub with a good book for a bit while HTP was watching the kids (at least as long as he could take it without actually killing one of them). This is not to say that my children were at all difficult. It's just that sometimes you just need a little time to be all by yourself. Alone time. Fridays were my signal that alone time was coming up. Tuesdays were the day HTP and I got out of the house (baby-sitters) for a little just him and me time. Time to discuss adult stuff away from the big ears of our darling children. Fridays were too weird to have that adult time, mixing with all those single adults on the prowl. Besides, getting a baby-sitter on a Friday night was almost impossible. Fridays were also the day we might pack up for an early start on a weekend trip. A trip to the beach. A trip to Tombstone, Bisbee, Casa Grande Ruins, the possibilities were endless. Weekend trips were fun in our converted van. I'm not sure how much the kids actually remember about those trips. Their eyes were often glued to the VCR/TV and the ample supply of VCR tapes were kept handy in the van. That's OK. I think they saw some stuff and I don't think I ever heard, "Are we there yet?" least not too often. So Fridays were special and they still are. TGIF everyone! TGIF to even those of us who treat everyday of the week (except Sunday) as Friday.

Murphyism of the Day

Pfeifer's Principle

Never make a decision you can get someone else to make.


No one keeps a record of decisions you could have made but didn't. Everyone keeps a record of your bad ones.

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