Friday, September 02, 2005

Word of the Day

Automagical: Working on its own. Don't ask me why.

I picked beans and made two pints of dilled beans. They'll be great as Bloody Mary garnish this winter. I love Bloody Marys.

I'm still working on the sweater project. Watching the news has become really depressing.

I brought the dogs over to my folks place tonight. They're going to dog sit while we're in The Big City tomorrow. It's back to school for #1 son. Almost all his stuff has been packed into the Gator. Not everything fit so we'll be bringing another load to him next weekend when we go to The Big City for a wedding reception. He's got enough to get him started.

Murphyism of the Day

Old Grey Frog's Packing Rules

1. The same identical items that fit into your suitcase when packed at the beginning of a trip, won't fit into that same suitcase when they need to be packed up again at the end of a trip.

2. Bringing a larger suitcase on a trip only encourages you to pack more stuff and then you find yourself with the same problems experienced in rule #1.

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