Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Word of the Day

Foreploy - Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of improving your love life.

Recently, I've been wondering who exactly is reading my blog. My family. My friends. But, who are all these other people and why are they bothering to read my meandering thoughts and follow the humdrum details of my life. I'm not a paranoid person. HTP is a bit paranoid so he balances me out a bit. I guess I tend to be one of those people who walk through life, looking at everything through a pair of rose-tinted glasses. Actually, I don't own any rose-tinted glasses. I have photo-grey lenses that darken in the sun. I also noted that they darken in the heat and when the snow reflects off of them. But that's beside the point.... Anyway, HTP, paranoid person that he is, forces me to remove my rose-tinted glasses upon occasion.

Oh, I don't care that people are reading my blog. I love it. I have absolutely nothing to hide. I'm a totally boring individual. there someone out there counting how many times I use the word terrorist? Or Marine? Or GI Joe? Believe me when I tell you, my Devil Dog Daughter and her GI Joe husband have both cautioned me when it comes to security. I won't be discussing troop movements or anything like that in this blog. So, if you're reading this hoping to discover something like that. You're out of luck. If you're reading this to find out if I've read the Quran, I haven't. I suppose I could but my reading preferences tend toward romance novels. I may express an occasional opinion when it comes to politics but for the most part, I try to keep things light and fluffy.

It's raining today here at The Lake. Thankfully, I took care of all my gardening yesterday. (Oh, my aching back.) HTP helped so my back isn't too bad. I plan to make those green tomato pickles today but I have to go buy some ingredients first. I need oil. Olive Oil. Hurricane Rita has not effected the production of the type of oil I need. (Please note the historical reference to the times we live in.) However, Hurricane Rita and the cautions from the President to conserve, does effect my shopping plans. I'm making a list of ALL the things I need so I don't have to go out shopping again for a while. Oh...and we won't drive the SUV today.

Murphyism of the Day

Bachman's Inevitability Theorem

The greater the cost of putting a plan into operation, the less chance there is of abandoning the plan--even if it subsequently becomes irrelevant.


The higher the level of prestige accorded the people behind the plan, the less chance there is of abandoning it.


Periodically, I feel I should give credit where credit is due. My blog is a non-profit journal but I feel that I should give credit to my sources if I use someone else's writings. Most (not all) of the Murphyisms that I use come directly, verbatim, from The Complete Murphy's Law- A Definitive Collection, written by Arthur Bloch. I'm not sure if you can actually buy this book anywhere but I highly recommend it. Sadly, I'm starting to run out of Murphyisms. I'll have to see if he's written a sequel. Either that or I'll have to become really creative and make up a lot more of my own....or how does Funny of the Day strike you? Ah well...I'll think about that another day.


Woohoo! When I get back to Arizona I plan to buy a few more reference books. According to my internet research,

Author Arthur Bloch has compiled a number of books full of corollaries to Murphy's law and variations thereof. These include the original Murphy's Law (1977) and Murphy's Law Book Two (1980), which are very general in scope, and the domain-specific volumes, Murphy's Law: Doctors: Malpractice Makes Perfect and Murphy's Law: Lawyers: Wronging the Rights in the Legal Profession!.

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