Sunday, September 04, 2005

Word of the Day

Didilate - To lie about the time of day when asked, especially in a manner that would cause the requester to panic about being late for some important event.

I should have posted this yesterday but I was just too tired. We moved #1 son into his dorm at college. Nuff said but if you'd care to read on, feel free.

We left The Lake at 5:30 AM yesterday. #1 son had packed all his stuff into the Gator the night before. It was still dark outside when we rolled down our driveway, on the way to The Big City. Remembering the confusion of parents and students from the previous year, we thought that we'd see if we could get ahead of the crowds. We arrived at the college at 8 AM. Bright and early considering that we'd been told that the offices wouldn't even be open until 8 AM. There wasn't a single parking spot. When 20,000 students and all their parents and siblings are in one spot on MOVING DAY, this isn't exactly a surprise. HTP pulled in behind two other cars that were hovering in a fire lane. #1 son ran into the dorm to get his keys and a temporary parking permit. HTP and I started to unload the car onto a spot near the car. Of course, a University police officer came by and told us all to move our cars because...well...we were parked illegally and there was no reasoning with him. HTP moved the car and I guarded the stuff that we'd had a chance to unload. I waited. I did a lot of waiting. Pretty soon, HTP rounds the corner with our trolley and three more boxes from the car. More stuff to guard. He told me that he'd snagged a parking spot (illegal without a permit but what's a parent to do?) He dumped the boxes and went back for more stuff. Upon his return he told me that the trolley really wouldn't work for the remaining load so he disappeared into the dorm in search of one of the "laundry" carts that are provided to students on moving day and to find out what happened to #1 son. #1 son was still waiting for his keys and a parking permit. I looked up from my guarding when I heard this horrible squealing sound. What the heck?! It was HTP. He had found a "laundry" cart. The squealing noise was coming from the cart's wheels. He disappeared around the corner, heading back to the car, but the squealing noise echoed on. More time. No place to sit. I stood and guarded the stuff. I heard the squealing the of cart's wheels before I saw HTP round the corner with the last of #1 son's stuff AND #1 son. #1 son finally had his keys and the car was now legally parked with a bright neon green parking permit. We had exactly 30 minutes to get everything from the curb that I was guarding to #1 son's room. The race was on. HTP loaded up the "laundry" cart and #1 son loaded up the trolley and they headed off. Squealing all the way. I continued in my duties as stuff guard. #1 son returned along with HTP for the second load. I was informed that the room was even smaller than last year's room. Same college, different dorm, smaller room. #1 son had serious doubts as to whether all his stuff would fit into the new room. Actually, it wasn't his stuff so much, it was his roommate's stuff. His roommate told him that he wasn't going to get there until 5 PM. I helped bring the last load of stuff up to "the tiny room" so I'd have a chance to see for myself. OK. It's small. But with a little Tetris exercise, I'm sure all the stuff will eventually fit. Maybe.

After locking up the room, we headed out to buy more stuff. Small stuff but more. It'll fit. Ziplock bags and Bounce sheets don't take up much space. We also decided to grab some lunch. Having spent the morning burning calories on nothing more than a cup of coffee, we were a bit hungry. We decided to check out a Chinese Buffet. It was OK. Not good but not bad. Food. HTP and I have become rather picky in our eating habits. Calories are something that we count and keep track of. We only get so many of those little suckers so when we decide to pig out, we expect those calories to be worthwhile. These weren't. Oh well...we were hungry when we went in and not hungry when we came out.

We dropped #1 son back at his dorm with promises that we'd see him next weekend. We have a wedding reception in The Big City next weekend. We promised to bring another load of stuff which won't fit into his room. He'll have to email us about what to bring and what not to bring. As we were heading out of the traffic and mayhem of moving day, our cellphone rang. It was #1 son. He'd left his dorm keys in our car. We made our way back into the traffic and moving day mayhem. Believe me, the traffic and mayhem had only increased. We rendezvoused with #1 son, he got his keys and we made our escape. Woohoo! Free at last!

The trip back to The Lake was uneventful. We collected our dogs from my folks. Chatted a while. And returned to our quiet home. I thought about blogging but was too tired.

Today? I think I better do some cleaning and maybe check to make sure #1 son didn't leave the lights on and the fans running in his basement home. I wonder if he even made his bed? I fear that my son has adopted the same attitude that my husband had when I first met him. "Why make the bed? It's just going to get messed up tonight when I get back in it." But he won't be getting into it for a while now and I'm pretty sure he didn't think about that when he got up at 4:30 AM yesterday morning.

Murphyism of the Day

Persig's Postulate

The number of rational hypotheses that can explain any given phenomenon is infinite.

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