Thursday, September 29, 2005

Word of the Day

Giraffiti - Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

After spending an hour at the dentist this morning, I have a brand new gold crown to add to my collection. I've got so much gold in my teeth right now that I'll have to be careful or I'll get mugged.

HTP and I stopped and picked up some breakfast after my visit to THE DENTIST. We hadn't had so much of a cup of coffee before my appointment so I was in dire need of my daily caffeine fix. The eggs and ham were good too and HTP let me have a bite of his pancakes.

Because we were closeby, we stopped at The Pottery Shed . I love that sort of thing. They had so much to look at that I could have stayed longer than the hour I spent salivating over all the different artistry displayed there. As it was, it was hard to pick out something to buy because it was all so beautiful. I had to give myself a severe talking to and kept my purchases to a minimum. I bought myself a vase that I couldn't not buy and a coffee mug (because I really need another coffee can't have too many coffee mugs) and some refrigerator magnets.

When HTP and I got home, I noted that the dog's vet papers had arrived in the mail. I got everything all ready to send out to the township so I could get the dogs' licenses and then...I noted that the rabies vaccine on one of the dogs didn't have any dates on it. No date that the vaccine was given. No date that the vaccine expired. Nothing. I called the vet and was told that they don't have a record of my dog having been vaccinated. She was. Before we left for Wisconsin. Unfortunately, my proof is in Arizona, not here in Wisconsin. I had the paperwork but it disappeared. I've torn the lakehome apart looking for it but can't find it. Oh well...I'm sending in what the vet sent me and maybe they won't notice that there are no dates for the shot. My vet will be calling me if he can find the information. IF. Failing all else? I'll have to have my dog re-vaccinated when we get back to Arizona, and apply for the license afterwards. In the meantime, I sure hope that we don't have to board our dogs because the paperwork that I currently have (and have placed securely in the glove compartment of the car where I should have found the other paperwork that went missing) won't pass close inspection.

Murphyism of the Day

Joe's Law

The inside contact that you have developed at great expense is the first person to be let go in any reorganization.

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