Friday, September 23, 2005

Word of the Day

Eyecons - Optical illusions

I've started work on yet another afghan. I suspect that I'll have to buy more yarn but my main purpose is to use up the surplus yarn that I had for my sweater project.

HTP and I are trying to get things organized for our return trip to Arizona. Today I looked and looked for the dogs' vet paperwork. I finally had to call the vet and ask them to send us another set. What started my search was that the township called me back to answer my inquiry as to how to get a dog license. Easy? Well, it would have been if I could have found the darn paperwork. Oh well, it should get here next week sometime and I'll be able to apply for the licenses then. Good thing that we don't plan to head out of here for a while.

Murphyism of the Day

The Recommended Practices Committee of the International Society of Philosophical Engineers' Universal Laws for Naive Engineers - Part II

1. If only one bid can be secured on any project, the price will be unreasonable.

2. If a test installation functions perfectly, all subsequent production units will malfunction.

3. All delivery promises must be multiplied by a factor of 2.0.

4. Major changes in construction will always be requested after fabrication is nearly completed.

5. Parts that positively cannot be assembled in improper order, will be.

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