Word of the Day
Exhaustipated - More than exhaustion.
I packaged up two separate batches of deer jerky, vacuum-sealed them (after I discovered where I stashed my new vacuum sealer...my old one, which I should have tossed because it doesn't work, was readily found), and got them all ready in special envelopes to send out tomorrow in the mail. I'm sending one envelope to my son. He wrote, in answer to my e-mail him about the deer jerky, "Yes, send it, I require much jerky." I e-mailed my GI Joe son-in-law to ask him if he wanted some deer jerky. Surprise! He called me today! Just to catch me up on the news from Ft. Riley. He couldn't possibly have gotten my e-mail...so I asked him if he would eat deer jerky because my Devil Dog Daughter (who looks like she'll be going to Camp Pendleton instead of Yuma after she "graduates" from Cherry Point...but nothing is "official" as yet) doesn't eat Bambi. He does. So, the other envelope is all ready to be sent to GI Joe. Tomorrow. I kept a goodly amount of deer jerky for myself. I love the stuff.
Thanks again, Sis! Anytime you have a surplus of venison, feel free to send it my way. By the way, did I tell you that I saw two deer in my backyard? But I'm willing to bet Mom would appreciate a thinning of the herd near her cabin. Especially the deer that have been nibbling on her pole beans, raspberries, and grapes. The last time I talked to her, she had a definite "Kill the Wabbit" sound in her voice...except...I guess it wasn't a Wabbit that she was wanting to kill. Oh...and thanks again Mom, for the use of your food-dehydrator.
I also canned three more quarts of tomatoes from my garden. And did the laundry. Keep your collective fingers crossed. If all of my green tomatoes ripen, I'll have more than enough tomatoes to put up for the winter and enough left over to last until next year's crop starts to ripen.
Murphyism of the Day
Pattison's Law of Electronics
If wires can be connected in two different ways, the first way blows the fuse.
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