Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Word of the Day

E-pital - The place where ailing computers are repaired.

Today was spent watching Hurricane Ophelia barrel her way right toward my Devil Dog Daughter's base. Not much you can actually do but watch...or just turn off the TV. However, HTP has had the radar cued up on his computer. His eyes are either glued to his computer or to The Weather Channel. No, they didn't evacuate. They're riding this one out.

I also watched the confirmation hearings for Roberts...for a teeny bit. He actually sounded intelligent. Brilliant even. As for the group of politicians who were doing the questioning? I won't go there.

It's been a beautiful day here. Cool. Dry. Fall is definitely in the air. My new sweater has been getting some use. No. I didn't give it to the dogs to wear. I wore it. It may not be perfect, but as a first attempt, at least I can wear it.

I picked the beans and a nice-sized (not a log) zucchini from the garden. I haven't decided which of those we'll have with our chicken marsala tonight. I also picked more tomatoes so it looks like I'll be doing more canning tomorrow. If the weather holds, and we don't get any frost, I'll be doing a lot of tomato canning. If we do get a frost? I'll be making green tomato pickles or more relish or both. It'll probably end up as a combination of all three.

Murphyism of the Day

Muir's Law

When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.

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