Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Word of the Day

Entrepoohneur - Anyone new to a job or environment of Pooh.

We had quite a light and sound show last night. I love storms. I do have one reservation about them though. Storms should be like celebrations on the 4th of July. They should never cause any damage. So far we've been lucky. Early this spring we lost a few trees out in the woods and a couple across our driveway but nothing major and our power outage only lasted a few hours. The generator took up the slack. My folks lost power and had several trees fall over their road during that last big blow. I plan to go check their road and make sure that their cabin has power. It's never fun to come home to spoiled food because no-one was around to report a power outage.

I'm not sure whether or not we'll have more rain tonight or this evening. I hope we do. We only got 3/4" last night. My gardens really could use the water and I've given up doing the sprinkler dance...at least for this season.

Murphyism of the Day

Oak's Principles of Lawmaking

1. Law expands in proportion to the resources available for its enforcement.
2. Bad law is more likely to be supplemented than repealed.
3. Social legislation cannot repeal physical laws.

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