Thursday, September 08, 2005

Word of the Day

Elbonics - The fight over a movie theatre or airplane arm rest.

I have a temporary crown. It's aluminum. I've never had an aluminum temporary crown before. Weird. The dentist did a great job. I hardly felt a thing. Of course, I was drugged to the max so what would I know. On the other hand, I've been drugged to the max before and I've felt lots. Too much. Anyway, everyone was really nice. I have to go back on September 29th for my permanent crown but I'm good to go until then. My mouth is a bit sore but that will pass. It always amazes me how sore my gums get from those stupid novacaine shots they use.

I should be doing lots of stuff today but I haven't felt too excited about tackling anything. Tomorrow. I'll tackle bottling my blackberry wine tomorrow. And then there's the beans, and the tomatoes. Tomorrow. I'll get right on it tomorrow.

Murphyism of the Day

Rogers' Observation Regarding The Laws

In a bureaucratic hierarchy, the higher up the organization you go, the less people appreciate Murphy's Law, the Peter Principle, etc.

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