Monday, September 26, 2005

Word of the Day

Reintarnation - Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

As usual, I started the morning by firing up my computer, taking care of the dogs, and then on to checking my e-mails and visiting the various blogs and websites that keep me informed as to what and how the rest of the world is doing.

One of the websites that I keep track of is the one that helps me keep track of the weather here at The Lake. Gasp! The forecast for Wednesday night (this week), is that the temperatures will dip down to 29°F. AHHHHH!!!!! The was not the weather report that I was hoping for. However, it did dictate my activities for the day.

After breakfast, I grabbed the bushel basket from the garage and grudgingly harvested what produce remained from my six raised garden beds. I picked a colander of green beans. Three small zucchini. A bunch of green and ripening tomatoes. And a scattering of stray cucumbers (small butusablee). I was ruthless but the beds are now plant and weed free. Well....there may be a few stray weeds but from my experience, there's really no point in removing them completely because next year's crop of weeds will just take their place. I'll worry about that next spring when I prep the gardens again for planting.

I decided to tackle the rest of my garden plants (container and border plantings) tomorrow. My back is twinging and I don't want to press my luck. I just might have enough energy remaining to stow away the tomato cages, the hose, and the garden sprinkler. But that's it. The rest will have to wait until tomorrow or Wednesday during the day....though it's supposed to rain on Wednesday. Maybe I'll tackle the border plants tomorrow and the containers on the deck on Wednesday. Maybe the forecasters are wrong. Maybe I can wait a bit.

Murphyism of the Day

Roger's Rule

Authorization for a project will be granted only when none of the authorizers can be blamed if the project fails but when all the authorizers can claim credit if it succeeds.

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