Friday, July 28, 2006

Word of the Day

Recomember - Recall; retain in the mind.

In my infinite wisdom, I decided to wait until after supper to go out berry picking yesterday. I figured that by that time things might cool off a bit outside. Actually, I was right. However, it was still hot and humid. It was still light enough to pick berries but around 8:30 PM, I heard an unmistakable sound. Having lived in Arizona for over 20 years, I know the sound of coyotes. Normally, you only hear a small group of coyotes calling in Arizona. What I was hearing was a lot more than a small group. Here I was out berry picking all by myself, it's getting dark, and all I have in the way of a weapon to defend myself were two small plastic buckets. I decided that it would be a good idea to speed things up a bit on the berry picking front. I never did see the coyotes, thankfully. I just heard them. However, I think I'll do my berry picking in the morning from now on. And...I'll keep a closer eye on the dogs.

It's hot and humid again today. We may actually end up hotter here than in Arizona today. Though we're under a thunderstorm watch, I have my doubts that we'll be getting any measurable rain. I've made the sprinkler dance my top priority today. I started with the garden.

Despite the heat, I made bread this morning. Thank goodness for air-conditioning. I'm pre-cooking some ribs in the oven for supper tonight. #1 son doesn't have to work tonight so I thought BBQ ribs would be a nice celebration. I better make some of the zucchini that I picked from the Earthbox too.

Murphyism of the Day

Mencken's Maxim

There's always an easy solution to every human problem--neat, plausible, and wrong.

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