Thursday, July 06, 2006

Word of the Day

RUBATO - A cross between a rhubarb and a tomato.

HTP and I are going into the city today. We both need haircuts. So, it's off to the barber for HTP because he refuses to have anyone at a beauty parlor cut his hair. And it's off to the beauty parlor for me, where I really should get my hair dyed but I won't have the time. Not this time. Besides, I'm debating with myself again as to whether or not I should let the grey hairs stay this time. It's not like too many people will actually see me this summer. I do, however, need a haircut.

Just as a note for myself, the zucchini that I planted in the Earthbox on the deck are blossoming. I found that they seem to require a lot of water. Every day I have to go out there and water them. The zucchini in the garden aren't doing nearly as well as the ones in the Earthbox. However, the blossoms on the Earthbox zucchini are all female blossoms. With no male blossoms to pollinate them the blossoms are for naught. This was an experiment for me to see if the zucchini would do well in the Earthbox growing system. Having to water the zucchini everyday is a bit of a pain. I ordered a timer for the hosebib. I'm not sure if it will get here before HTP and I leave for Laughlin or not. #1 son will water the plants if he's here but he might not be here. I do know that the zucchini in the Earthboxes will probably die if they don't get watered on a daily basis. The decision will have to be made if it is really worth my while to plant the zucchini in the Earthbox next year.

Murphyism of the Day

Seay's Law

Nothing every comes out as planned.

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