Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Thermometer
The temperature reading on this thermometer at 12:47PM was 67 degrees, back in the shade.

Word of the Day

Smuckiful trini - A pseudo-French word ascribed to a cycle of events which leads three of one's friends to look like complete schmucks, each in their own unique way; usually leads to "mocking smuckful trini", in which one points, laughs, and jeers at their expense, making them unhappy.

One of my thermometers in my backyard read 80 degrees this morning. I noted the temperature when I walked by it as I was talking on the phone. This is the thermometer that my folks got me and that HTP and I finally got around to hanging this winter. It is sitting in full sunshine. The real temperature was probably closer to 60 degrees. Actually, now that the sun isn't shining directly on that thermometer anymore, I can see that the temperature has fallen to 75 degrees, and still falling. I've got two thermometers. One digital, and one more traditional. The digital thermometer is telling me that the actual temperature outside is 61 degrees right now. Sweater weather. Actually, the thermometer that my folks gave me is probably a lot more accurate sometimes than my digital thermometer. Since I've got the sensor for my digital thermometer attached to the house, it never gets any sun and it also tends to read warmer during at night after the sun goes down....residual heat coming off of the house. I figure that between the two thermometers, I get a fairly accurate idea when it comes to outdoor temperatures.

Random Thought of the Day

Bad decisions make good stories...eventually.

Noteworthy Thought of the Day

In this life we get only those things for which we hunt, for which we strive, and for which we are willing to sacrifice.

- George Matthew Adams

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