Sunday, June 29, 2014

Word of the Day

Kabomb - Anything that makes a kaboom sound of varying intensity.

Woodtick Count - 7

I've been fighting panic attacks all day...heck for the last week or so. *sigh* Hate this. I probably should have plugged in one of my Walk Away DVD's and sweated copious amounts of fluids but...I just couldn't. Maybe tomorrow. I'm taking a "ME" day. I planned to take a "ME" day yesterday but "Whack-a-Mole" events cropped up. Who was it that said, "It's not paranoia if they're really after you."? BW Babe called last night to invite me to join her and her hubby and their company for dinner. I was right in the middle of "Whacking a Mole", so I told her that I couldn't make it. Apparently, my "Whack-a-Mole" reference flew right over her head and she thought I was busily playing some Internet game. After completing my mission, faster than I'd thought possible, I called her back and asked if the invitation was still open. I drove over and had a wonderful meal AND explained all about the "game" of "Whack-a-Mole". *sigh* The "game" of my life right now.

I haven't heard from DD Daughter so I don't know how she's doing. She and Ms. En and Mr. T are supposed to drive up here on July 3rd. I'm not sure if that's going to happen or not. Then, Sarge called this morning because their only car needed even more repairs than anticipated so I arranged to pay for the part they needed. "Whack-a-Mole" I think I've got that sucker killed. Sarge, D Buddy, Tammy and Little Jon plan to arrive on....July 3rd. HTP managed to fix his "Whack-a-Mole" moment yesterday. He lost his credit card and needed to get it replaced. Done and did. However, that meant, I did NOT have a credit card to make emergency purchases. However, he called to give me the new number. "Whack-a-Mole"! HTP will be flying to The Big City on...July 3rd. #1 Son and #1 DIL will be picking him up at the airport to bring him up to The Lake.

I've been going a bit crazy getting everything ready for the incoming invasion. I've got a mile long grocery list. I ordered TWO birthday cakes for my parents' 90th birthday celebration which need to be picked up on July 4th. The celebration will be on July 4th. I'm planning on steaks on the grill. Hot dogs for the kids. Potato salad? Salad. Plus, HTP reminded me that I've got to have enough food to feed EVERYONE while they're all here.

OK...after writing all of the above and looking down at a floor that needs vacuuming...again...and knowing that I need to clean up the kitchen...again...and seeing how long my shopping list has become....again.... Maybe I have an excuse for the panic attacks that I'm experiencing. Hate this. This is my family. My main fear is that something bad will happen that I can't do anything about...again.

After over an inch of rain last night, I spend some time letting "IT" bail out my rowboat and bilging the big boat. "IT" won the race. However, since I didn't bilge the boat after our last rain and "IT" bailed out the rowboat after that one....I think it was a tie. "IT" did a great job, especially after I attached additional hose so I don't have to hold to shorter hose that "IT" came with. I can just set it into the bow of the boat and do whatever I want until "IT" has completed the job. LOVE IT! No more sore elbow problems. There was a LOT of water that had collected in the boat from the mere "inch" of rain that my gauges reported. I have my doubts that the gauges are reporting the accurate amount of rainfall.

I've spent the rest of my day....reading. I love to read. There's nothing that distracts the mind from panic attacks better than a good book. There's no point in vacuuming until Thursday morning. Garbage goes out on Tuesday but...

I'm driving BW Babe and her husband JC into The City on Tuesday. Scary stuff. JC is having major open heart surgery this week. REALLY scary stuff. Yes...panic attacks are definitely warranted. But, knowing the why doesn't make them go away.

It's the little things that make me, last weekend when #1 DIL told me that one of the roofers warned her and #1 Son about the snake he saw near the driveway because maybe the "kids" I'd told him were coming to visit for the weekend might be scared of them. #1 DIL told him, "We are the kids." I just thought about that because as I was walking down the steps from our deck to go sit on the dock for a bit to let the wind blow away some of this sticky panic, I saw TWO rather large snakes at the foot of the steps. Kylee was totally disturbed, not knowing what to do about them. She REALLY didn't like their smell and after I called her away, she was foaming a bit at the mouth. Why can't I ever have my camera when things like this happen? Then, as we neared the dock....there was another snake! I've seen more snakes this year than I've ever seen. Nope...not scared of snakes...never have been. However, I AM a bit more cautious around rattle snakes. Really, snakes aren't a problem out here at The Lake. If you research it, THERE ARE NO POISONOUS SNAKES HERE AT THE LAKE, despite what BW Babe would try to tell you. There really aren't, even though there are some in the southern parts of the state. I am more cautious when I'm back in Arizona where there ARE poisonous snakes. LOTS of them.

Random Quote of the Day

I didn't really say everything I said.

- Yogi Berra (1925 - )

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