Sunday, August 03, 2003

I forgot to blog yesterday or maybe time ran away with me kind of like the dish running away with the spoon. Too many people here and too few computers. I actually have two computers linked up but the monitor on my computer died so we really only have one functioning computer. Whenever I got near the computer the phone would ring and then I'd come back and someone else would be on the computer. I've only got a few minutes to write before someone else calls me and someone else hijacks the computer while I'm on the phone. Wedding plans are coming along just fine. We've accomplished 6 months of work in 1 week. That ain't bad. In addition, I picked and washed 5 bags of lettuce. I harvested 8 more summer squash (what the heck am I going to do with all this squash....oh yeah....I gave 6 of them to my sister...maybe I can give some to my parents) and another bunch of cucumbers (looks like I'm going to have to dig out my dill pickle recipe), and some more green beans. I have a feeling that I'll be anonymously leaving bags of summer squash at people's doorsteps before the end of this summer. You know the routine, set the bag down, ring the doorbell and run.

Cliche of the Day

Last Laugh, Have the. Score a belated or unexpected triumph; get revenge. It is a most human tendency to laugh in a gloating fashion when one succeeds over someone else; it is an even stronger tendency to find that the tables have turned. In John Ray's A Collection of English Proverbs (1742), the thought appears as: "Better the last smile than the first laughter."

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