Friday, August 22, 2003

One more week and my husband is coming. That either means that I'm leaving Wisconsin in one more week or it means that I'm leaving in one to two weeks beyond that date depending upon how persuasive I can be. Regardless, I really don't have all that much more time here in Wisconsin this year. I look forward to a time where I can have as much time as I want here. Maybe next year. In the meantime, I'd better be prepared to put my garden to bed...just in case.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

In honor of my daughter's upcoming wedding, I thought I'd provide you with the following bit of trivia. In 1986, the average age of a bride in the United States was 21. The average age of the groom at that time was 23. Having discovered this little bit of trivia, I decided to do a little more research and found out that people are waiting longer and longer these days to tie that knot, jump the broom, make that final commitment. In the year 2000, the average age of a bride in the United States is now 25. The average age of the groom 27. I haven't got any figures for 2003. My daughter is 22 and her fiance will be 28. I would never use the word "average" to refer to either of my daughters so the above statistics must refer to someone else's daughters.

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