Thursday, August 21, 2003

I want everyone say the following sentence. "Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!!" Though I wish I was in Arizona to wish a special someone a very Happy Birthday, I'm here in Wisconsin which isn't to say that I don't like being in Wisconsin. If I could magically transport myself to Arizona for just today, or magically transport that special someone here to Wisconsin I'd be wonderfully happy. Since that isn't happening, I'll have to settle for sending my very sincere wishes for that special someone to Have a Very Happy Birthday! I'm looking forward to seeing that very special person here in Wisconsin at the end of this month so I can deliver an additional belated birthday greeting.

On a completely different subject, the weather has improved. But, darn! Only 1/4" of rain. Oh least the cold front moved on through and I am no longer in danger of drowning when I step out the door. I can turn off the air-conditioning too and enjoy a nice cool breeze from the lake.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Did you know that at 90 degrees below zero on the fahrenheit scale, your breath will freeze in midair and fall to the ground? That has never happened to me but I do have quite a few vivid nightmarish memories of frigid Minnesota winters. There is a reason that I live in Arizona during the winter months.

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