Saturday, August 30, 2003

Yesterday was spent collecting my husband from Minneapolis ergo no blog yesterday. Actually, I drove to the airport and he drove back here. Partnership. Let's all pray that my 17 year old, very responsible son, all alone in Phoenix, manages to keep said Arizona home and hearth and his health safe and sound while we're gone. A moment of silence while we pray.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

A telephone signal travels 100,000 miles a second. All the better for calling my son while we're in Wisconsin, 2000 miles from Arizona where our son lanquishes in solitary splendor. The internet is fast too and although not as satisfying because he doesn't always check his emails, it's a lot cheaper. I sent out the first of many emails to my son this morning. I'm sure he's not awake yet. I hope he doesn't forget his trumpet lesson.

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