Monday, August 25, 2003

I have noticed that when it comes to the weather no-one is ever satisfied. When it rains there will always be someone who bemoans the lack of sunshine in a summer. When the sun shines, there is always someone who bemoans the lack of rain. I find myself in the latter camp this summer. I really could use some rain...or failing that a good sprinkler system. Lugging sprinklers around and minding a timer have never been my favorite pastime. Even with all the lugging and timing, my grass is looking parched. On the otherhand, the crabgrass and weeds seem pleased. I spent the morning pulling weeds. My father came over for a short while yesterday and informed me that I really should do something about the crabgrass as he caved into the urge to pull a few of the buggers from my lawn. I never discourage family members and guests from pulling my weeds. Everyone is welcome. That which someone else does I don't have to do myself which leaves me the time to do something that I'd far rather do. On a related subject, I never discourage anyone's efforts should they choose to clean my house either being so fond of such work myself.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The word taxi is spelled the same in English, German, French, Swedish, and Portuguese. This must bug the French to no end. I recently learned that the French have banned the use of the word "e-mail" from their lexicon. Too English...too American. I'm not sure that the replacement which I can't remember "couriel?" will catch on but far be it from me to nay say the French.

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