Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Word of the Day

Thinksgiving - Wishing you could help.

23 Days and a Wake Up And We Hit the Road *

I'm totally amazed at how fast the leaves are turning and falling this year. Have we entered mid-October and I failed to notice? My sister keeps telling me that The Lake should experience a very mild winter this year. El Nino. I plan to play a wait and see game on that.

I made 11 more jars of Italian Eggplant/Green Tomato Pickles today. I decided to experiment with two different recipes. HTP thought that my last batch had too much vinegar in it if I was trying to duplicate the recipe his Grandmother and Mother used to make. He also told me that it should be saltier and have a LOT more garlic. And he remembered a bit more hot pepper. So...back to the drawing board. Hopefully these two new batches will be closer. HTP will have to be the judge of that. I kept a record of the two recipes that I made so I'll know how to alter things for next year if I don't get it right this time.

Murphyism of the Day

Loftus's Theory on Personnel Recruitment

1. Faraway talent always seems better than home-grown talent.

2. Personnel recruiting is a triumph of hope over experience.

* Disclaimer: The countdown has started but it isn't written in blood. I make mistakes and we all know that you just can't pin down life like a bug on a entomology class display board.

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