Saturday, September 06, 2003

Yesterday was spent getting my garden ready for winter. I don't have a big garden. Just six small raised beds surrounded by a six foot fence to keep the deer out. The job is half done. I ruthlessly ripped the zucchini and the summer squash from their comfortable beds. I grabbed the twining tendrils of the cucumbers and dragged them from the safety of their fenced world. I removed the heads from the lettuce and tossed them into the woods. I'll deal with the tomatoes and the green beans next week. Insert evil laugh here. Maybe the remainder of the plants will work hard in hopes that they will be spared. They hope in vain. I plan to make green pickle relish next week and there is just enough lettuce out there for a few more salads.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Honking horns on wedding cars dates back to the old practice of blowing horns and ringing bells at newlyweds to ward off evil spirits.

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