Friday, February 13, 2004

House For Sale - Day 10

"They" came through and looked at the house again this morning. We were later called and told that "they" accepted our counter-offer but that "they" wanted my washer and dryer and refrigerator. My husband and I discussed it for a few seconds. Those old things? Why would save us from moving them and we could buy all new stuff for the new home. I've never been fond of that refrigerator anyway...though I'll miss my washer and dryer. You get used to your old appliances' idiosyncrasies after using them for years on end. Anyway, I think we sold the house but until we get it all in writing we'll still show the house and entertain secondary offers just in case this one falls through for some reason. That was fast!

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

WOMBAT stands for Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time. A computer programmer "wrestles with a wombat" when the solution proves more complex then the solution. I sure hope our buyers don't read my blog.

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