Tuesday, February 24, 2004

House For Sale - Day 21

I'm told that my Sold sign will be installed later this week. "They" only deliver these signs once a week in our area of town.

I've been baking. My famous sugarless multi-grain chocolate chip cookies. I've made two batches and I have to make another today. They've been disappearing, fast. Hey! There still are calories involved here.

Today is the first day that I can actually do my laundry without hiding the fact that I'm doing my laundry. Heaven forbid that someone touring our house would actually discover that someone needs to do laundry. Generally speaking, people would prefer to tour a house in which no-one actually lives. Have you ever noticed that Model Homes (houses set up by builders to exemplify the home that you the buyer need and want to buy), don't have televisions or stereos. The Model decorators never provide such amenities or space to put them. The beds are all twin size or at most, doubles. You never see a full dining room set. You never see a full bedroom set. There is never a full living room or family rooms set. There is never any quantity of toys laying about unless it's a designer wooden horse. The kitchen tables are never set with real dishes. The pantries are empty or nearly so. You walk through these homes and admire how big and clean they are but wait. Where are you going to put your king-size bed? How about your kitchen table? Where do you plan to put your clothes, other then the closet? Where are you going to set up your television and stereo? Is there really enough counter space in the kitchen for your coffeemaker, mixer, food processor, bread machine, and microwave? Real people don't live in Model Homes, but that's what real people expect to see when they tour previously owned homes. I've sold a few homes so I'm well aware of this concept. On laundry day, I hid the fact that I did laundry. I carefully stored away my microwave and my mixer and dragged my mixer out only in the dead of night to secretly cook and bake. I hid my kitchen garbage can. People don't want to deal with the fact there is garbage and one must put it somewhere. My house sold because I made it into what the buyer expected. A Model Home. I even hid my TV behind the closed doors of my entertainment unit. Do you honestly think that I would actually turn all the lights on in my house and play soft music on a regular basis?

I'm relieved to say that I can now go back to living in my house now that the house is sold. I'm not a slob but I do have to do the laundry and it's easier not to have to hide the sorted laundry in the closet. I'm going to make more cookies too...and leave my mixer out afterwards. Hah! And I'm not going to put the pillowshams on the bed either. Hah, hah, hah!

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

It was interesting to read these "folk remedies" so I thought I'd share.

To cure lung infections, rub onions on your chest.

To ease arthritis pain, carry a peeled potato in your pocket. It that doesn't work, try a pocketful of buckshot...or the ashes from a turtle shell.

For Kidney troubles, eat...kidney beans. If that doesn't work, try chewing on the bones from a dogfish head. (I just knew that someone would find a use for dogfish).

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