Sunday, February 01, 2004

My husband has a new toy. Actually, it's an old toy newly rediscovered. When we were packing up stuff...removing clutter from our husband found the old Commodore 64 "computer" in a box stored in my son's closet. He also found the old Atari game. I actually thought that one of my daughters had taken one or both of these treasures when they moved out on their own. Oh well. What is old is new again. He raced out to Radio Shack to buy some kind of missing antiquated cord so the thing will work again. Both things. It's up and running and my husband is playing. Any thoughts I may have had that these pieces of computer history may have been retired permanently from our lives have faded away. I noticed that he's got a huge collection of what appear to be useless wires and cords too. I can't complain too loudly. I do have what he considers a few boxes of useless books.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

It is a myth that if you touch a baby bird, its mother will abandon it. Whether or not a mother can detect the scent of a human depends on the animal's sense of smell. Birds have a poor sense of smell and would never know from it whether a human had touched their nest. I suppose this is kind of like that age old question, do chickens have lips?

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