Saturday, March 10, 2007

Word of the Day

Allergize - To cause your allergies to act up.

I wore shorts for the first time this year. I sat outside in the sun to put some color in my legs so they won't look so bad now that it's shorts weather outside. I'm happy to wear sandals instead of shoes and socks. Woohoo! My toes are loving it. I did my fertilizing. I sprayed for weeds. I finished my Sudoku puzzle of the day. I decanted the second batch of wine. I cleaned the kitchen. I played Pogo. I read a couple of books. I made lunch..and ate it. I took a nap. I walked over to the mailbox to get the mail....and back. I blogged. I plan to make supper. I plan to watch TV.

Murphyism of the Day

Finagle's Rules

1. To study a subject best, understand it thoroughly before you start.
2. Always keep a record of data-it indicates you've been working.
3. Always draw your curves, then plot your reading.
4. In case of doubt, make it sound convincing.
5. Experiments should be reproducible-they should all fail in the same way.
6. Do not believe in miracles-rely on them

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding: in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. -- Proverbs 3:5-6

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