Sunday, April 29, 2007

Word of the Day

Bacne - Acne of the back. Acne located on the back of an individual's torso.

Vegas - Day 2

HTP and I had supper last night at Billy Bob's. I ordered a bottle of wine. HTP declined...even a sip. He'd already had two GIANT margaritas earlier in the day at Willy & Joses...and he'd ordered a fru-fru drink on top of that. He was feeling no pain. He commented that the last time he'd had so much fun was when MC Daughter and D Buddy got married. He was smilin'. Me? I only had two beers, half a GIANT beer, and a glass of red wine. Around 4 AM, it dawned on HTP and me that we didn't sign any comp papers for the dinner before we left. We calculated a tip for our server and left that but.... OMG! We actually left and didn't pay anyone. HTP took care of it this afternoon. No-one sent security after us.

Today is HTP and my 29th Anniversary! We've been married 29 years! We're going to celebrate tonight at Fellini's. At 4 PM, we went over to Billy Bob's and slurped down two dozen raw oysters. HTP had a Manhattan (Blech!). I had a dry martini with extra olives, Tanqueray Gin...of course. I hope we don't forget to pay the bill at Fellini's...actually, our dinner and beverages are comped but we still have to sign the check.

HTP is happy because he's actually ahead of the gambling curve. Money ahead. I wasn't doing so well but...I got a nice jackpot. Woohoo! No Royal Flush for me but I'm still money ahead. However, we've still got one more day to go. Lady Luck doesn't always smile.

Murphyism of the Day

McKee's Law

When you're not in a hurry, the traffic light will turn green as soon as your vehicle comes to a complete stop.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

I have come to the conclusion that politics are too serious a matter to be left to the politicians. -- Charles De Gaulle (1890 - 1970)

1 comment:

Mink said...

GROSS!! Gin martinis are icky. Vodka is the only way to go.