Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Dr. Who Scarf Update - Almost 1/3 Completed

Word of the Day

Scoopulate - 1. The act of scooping all but two of the many pills that poured into one's hand, back into the bottle. 2. The act of trying to get only one noodle out of a pot of boiling water to check for doneness.

C25K Challenge Update

Kylee and I started once again on our C25K Challenge. This time, we started at a brisker warm-up speed and then whenever "start running" was cued, I walked as fast as a could, pumping my arms. Actually, I noted that we traveled almost the same distance this way as we covered when we jogged. I'm hoping that this modification in the program will keep my knees safe.


I'm going to have to tackle cleaning up the backyard patio later today when things dry off outside. We actually got some rain last night so things are a bit muddy out there right now. It's hard to sweep mud. We may get more rain today so the clean up may have to wait until tomorrow. Meanwhile, it's laundry day once again.

I posted my progress on the Dr. Who scarf that I'm knitting for DD Daughter. I've completed almost 1/3 of it. To be honest, I haven't been religiously working on it, if I had I'd be a lot further along. However, even though snow is predicted for where DD Daughter lives, I don't think she'll actually need this scarf until next fall.

Random Thought of the Day

Careful. We don't want to learn from this.

- Bill Watterson (1958 - ), "Calvin and Hobbes"

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