Sunday, April 07, 2013

Ms. En
Mr. T

Word of the Day

Scadink - The annoying build-up of ink on the end of a ball-point pen.

I was going to get up this morning and start again with the C25K program but I was too tired. I seem to remember a series of children's books that I used to read to my children that sounds a lot like my previous sentence. Excuses, excuses. I'll do better tomorrow. Actually, I plan to resume the C25K program this week. My knees are feeling lots better, however, I've decided to power-walk instead of running. On the plus side, I've dropped five pounds. This five pound drop didn't show up until a week after I stopped running. I was carrying a lot of water weight, the pounds melted away when the swelling went down.

I really need to start packing for my trip to The Lake. I've started editting my To Do List and my Packing List. Hopefully, everything that I want to bring to The Lake and to my kids and will fit into the Acadia.

Random Quote of the Day

It is all very well, when the pen flows, but then there are the dark days when imagination deserts one, and it is an effort to put anything down on paper. That little you have achieved stares at you at the end of the day, and you know the next morning you will have to scrape it down and start again.

- Elizabeth Aston, The True Darcy Spirit, 2006

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