Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Dwarf Bottlebrush

Word of the Day

Scrumptuleasant - Describing a seemingly enjoyable treat that one consumes. But after the fact, one feels nauseous and wants to kill one's self. One with a weak stomach would find such items unpalatable.

Packing continues. I sorted through some pants that I "think" will fit me by the time the Ireland/Scotland trip rolls finally gets here. Sis and Cuz don't think we should wear jeans and I really don't want to buy new pants that I'm hoping will be too big for me. Right now I'm wearing a size 14 but it's a bit on the loose side. I can wear my size 12's and depending on the cut, they either fit comfortably or are a bit snug. I'm hoping that I'll be able to fit into my collection of size 10's so I'm packing them as well...just in case. I have a HUGE stack of size 8 which I may send to Sis and when did I ever fit into that size 6? Oh well, packing does help clear out my closet. I was sad to see one of my favorite skirts was riddled with moth holes. I wonder when that happened because I didn't see any evidence of moths. That just goes to show you how long it's been since I wore any dressy outfits. Which reminds me, should I pack a dressy outfit? Probably. At the very least, I'll be packing my suit.

I like dressing up but HTP and I rarely go out to places that necessitate it. I dressed up for our anniversary last year, and #1 Son's wedding. However, this year, HTP and I are going to a more casual restuarant for our anniversary. I bought a couple pairs of those skinny ankle jeans. I wore the white pair the other day and they were really cute. I'm planning on wearing the black pair with a nice dressy shirt and silver jewelry for our anniversary night out, along with a nice dressy pair of black sandals. Actually, I loved the white skinny jeans so much that I bought another pair and also bought a pair of green (khaki green)ones. I think these skinny ankle jeans look LOTS better than capris for summer....but....I don't plan to wear them out hiking.

C25K Powerwalk Challenge Update

Kylee and I made it through Week 2 Day 2 just fine. No unscheduled stops. This time I remembered to bring a bottle of water so I wouldn't get so dry. I'll mention that before I started the walk this morning, my left knee was hurting a bit. So, after finishing up the walk, it wasn't a surprise to me that my left knee still hurt but only a bit more. Since there doesn't appear to be any swelling, I'm not going to worry about it. I don't think the pain is in any way due to my C25K powerwalking.

Random Quote of the Day

If only corporal punishment cured low self-esteem.

- Jeph Jacques, Questionable Content, She's A Bit of A Pout, author's note, 08-31-11

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