Sunday, May 25, 2014

New Asparagus Bed

My Dock and Rowboat Are IN!

Word of the Day

Enjoyful - To be in a state of enjoyment; to find something enjoying.

As I was searching for a pair of jeans that fit yesterday morning, I realized that I have drawers and drawers and a closet full of clothes that don't fit anymore. Yeah, I've lost weight but... Why do I save this stuff? Next time I go into town, I'll have to make a stop at St. Vincent's to drop of a bags and bags and bags of clothes that I hope others will enjoy. Next time there's a rainy day, I'll continue winnowing out the closets and cupboards.

Definitely got my aerobic exercise in yesterday getting my new asparagus bed completed. It's a bit more than 10 feet long and a full four feet wide. And, the soil has been loosened over a foot deep. My yard guy did the back-breaking work of removing sod and breaking up the soil and removing the truly HUGE boulders the other night and then, I was on. I put in two hours ditch digging, rock hauling, mixing mulch in with heavy soil, planting, back-filling with prepped soil, hauling the perfect rocks to define the border of the bed from the HUGE pile of rocks that were removed from the soil. I'm amazed that I still had soil for the bed. Then, I spent another hour to find homes in other garden beds' edging for the rest of the boulders and rocks without building a wall. And yes, I still had to get rid of the dirt that wasn't be needed. I reserved enough (I hope) soil mixed with compost to fill in the trenches holding my newly asparagus crowns as they come up. I'm told that I need to back-fill the trenches every two weeks until my bed is mounded. If done right, I shouldn't have to do more than weed that bed for the rest of my life and enjoy my own homegrown asparagus. I planted Jersey Knight asparagus. Twenty crowns.

Total, crazy, exhaustion was hitting me hard. But then, SURPRISE! Woohoo! My wonderful yard guy called to let me know that he found someone to help install my dock and boat for me. I was able to enjoy a nice glass of wine out on the dock with Kylee last night. It felt so good to just sit after all the work I'd put in. Still need the big boat launched but that'll just have to wait. I called to let the people who were supposed to put the dock in for me to let them know that I wouldn't need them after-all. They promised to come and get the big boat next week...Tuesday? I'm not in a rush for that. I'm looking forward to doing some fishing, but first, I need to go get my license and some bait.

And, as if I weren't already exhausted, Kylee and I walked to the road and mile check the mail. The mosquitoes are getting voracious. Normally, we can enjoy a walk to the road and back without having vampires stalk us. Thankfully, I seem to have developed a certain Immunity over the many years that I've suffered mosquito bites out here. However, it's pretty bad when you can slap at them and take out five with each slap.



I got myself a license (annual) and some bait (leeches, nightcrawlers, and waxies). I hauled all my gear down to the dock. I rigged up the two new rods that I got for myself last year and...not a nibble. Then, I got tangled in a tree so, I decided to take to the boat to get myself untangled since I didn't want to lose my new bobber and my new tear-drop or break my line. Besides, nothing was biting off the dock anyway. So, into the boat I went to rescue my gear and to try my luck elsewhere. Nada, zippo, zilch. Not a single bite. However, I did get in some rowing exercise and I made sure that the anchors were all set where it would be easy to utilize them next time I go out. Excuses for being skunked? The sun may have been too bright? The water too cold? I picked the wrong spot for the wrong time of year? Who knows? I'm going to try again just before dinner when the sun isn't too bright and the traffic on the lake isn't so crazy (and why don't people realize that their crazy antics on a lake aren't admired or appreciated?) and hope I don't get more mosquito bites than productive fish bites.

I'm glad for the local economy that there are a LOT of people availing themselves of the local bars, the bait and tackle shop, and the lakes. I just wish they were more courteous and think of the other people, and animals out there. It's distressing to hear the loons cry out in terror when the boats and jet-skis get too near their nesting areas.

I've officially been at The Lake for two weeks. Besides being totally exhausted and feeling really sore, I feel accomplished. I managed to get a whole lot done. However, as my Grandmother D would warn, "I'll try not to break my arm whilst patting myself on the back."

Random Quote of the Day

Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.

- John Updike (1932 - )

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