Thursday, July 29, 2004

I like to pick berries.  It's such a peaceful and solitary enterprise.  It's my time to center myself, talk to myself, soak up a little of nature's peace and solace.  Unless the mosquitoes are bad or the deerfly are winging about or the humidity is enough to make your mosquito repellent all wash away with the sweat that even drips off the end of your nose.  I know....Ladies don't sweat, they glow.  Ladies don't pick berries.  I do.  But today was a perfect day for berry picking.  It was cool and the mosquitoes were at a minimum.  The deerfly were about but I was wearing a hat.  Hah!  Foiled them with my baglady hat!  Anyway, I picked two huge ice cream buckets of berries along my driveway and didn't even notice the three hours that drifted by.  I returned to the lake house centered and at peace with the universe.  Then I spent four hours cleaning berries in front of the TV while watching the DNC. be honest DNC sounds like a gynecological procedure.  Oh well...maybe I'd better go out and pick more berries tomorrow.  I think I need a bit more centering. 

Murphyism of the Day

No matter how hard you work at centering yourself, there is always something or somebody waiting to drag you off-center.    

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