Wednesday, July 07, 2004

My dogs have decided to become the infamous chipmunk terrorists of The Lake. This morning they almost got one. What the heck they plan to do with one when and if they ever do catch one, I have no idea. But their attempt at using a pincer manuever almost netted them one this morning. Please note that if there had been any danger to said chipmunk I would have stepped in to save the poor thing...if I'd stopped laughing long enough. As it was it was hard to stop laughing this morning as I witnessed my dogs' antics and the desperate evasive manuevers of the chipmunk who at one point settled at my feet, looked up at me as if to say, "Aren't they ridiculous?". I must say that since this morning's incident, every time I take my dogs out for their walk, I hear angry chipmunk insults coming from the woods. Oh well...maybe this all will keep the chipmunks out of my blueberry patch, but probably not.

Murphyism of the Day

Something that is obviously an easy thing to do will end up as being the hardest thing that you've ever done.

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