Monday, August 16, 2004

And it all started out so innocently...

The weather turned dreary today. Our guests had two wonderful days here to enjoy The Lake and the weather wasn't really a factor today because they departed after breakfast. I made pancakes.

After our guests left, HTP and I decided that we'd better check on our phone messages back in Arizona. So innocent. Such and easy task. HAH!!!!! Hysterical laughter! I'm sure by now that our next door neighbor out there is ready to drum us out of the neighborhood. I mean, if we are this much trouble as neighbors and we're not even there, imagine what kind of problems we can create while we are there. Sorry friends. Our phones weren't working in Arizona. All we could get when we called the number was a busy signal. Our neighbor raced over there to check to make sure someone wasn't racking up long distance phone calls. There wasn't anyone there. The house was secure. Hot...but secure. She lowered my thermostat to save my houseplants' lives. Thank you neighbor. Interesting to find out that her cordless phone works all the way over at and in our house. Good thing. what the heck was happening? Was it the security system? MMMM. Much thought. HTP got online and on the phone to the security company. MMMM. HTP called up the diagram for our communication panel to see if there was something that could be done in Arizona to pinpoint the problem. MMMM. Another call to our poor neighbor. Off she runs to our house to tackle an electrical engineering problem. Could she please unplug this wire from the panel? OK...that didn't work. Plug it back in. Could she please unplug that wire from the panel? Ok...that didn't work either. MMMM. OK. Unplug both those wires. Nope. That didn't work. We were still getting a busy signal. Interesting. There shouldn't have been a busy signal. There should have been endless ringing. MMMM. OK. Plug both those wires back in. HTP pretty much figured out that after all was a phone company problem. Thank you, thank you, thank you neighbor. I promise that I won't complain if your dog barks (I wouldn't do that anyway) and I promise not to have loud parties that you aren't invited to.

HTP called the phone company. Right away they told us that there indeed was a wire grounded out somewhere and they'd send someone out to fix it. How long were we without phones and thereby without security system? I probably will never know. The phones now work. The security system is working again too so all you burglars are out of luck. You lost you opportunity. My messages from Arizona have been checked. All is well with our least as far as I know.

I'll clean up the mess the monsoons left in my backyard when I get home.

Murphyism of the Day

Just when you think all is well in your world, it starts to rain.

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