Monday, August 02, 2004

We drove into The Big City yesterday. It's August and we all decided to celebrate the August birthdays at Buca di Beppo where we all ate and ate and ate and ate. We talked and talked and talked as well but we ate....lots....a lot more then we're supposed to eat. Anyway, we got back to The Lake in plenty of time for me to make supper. I didn't make supper. I figured that we'd had enough to eat at lunch for at least a few days anyway. Only kidding. I made breakfast this morning and lunch this noon and plan to make supper tonight. But we really didn't have any room for supper last night. Irregardless, a certain drowsiness tends to hit you when you eat too much which is my only excuse for not blogging yesterday. The same drowsiness has slopped over into today. I would have gone out raspberry picking but the rain that hit this morning probably hasn't had time to dry off yet. Oh well. Tomorrow. I'll pick again tomorrow.

Murphyism of the Day

There's always someone or a lot of someones that can do anything better then you and eager to prove it.

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