Tuesday, August 03, 2004

I can't believe that it's already time for me to make supper! Of course I felt that I should blog first. I spent a few hours after getting the laundry started picking berries. How many berries do I really need? I don't know. Apparently I still don't have enough or I wouldn't be going out all the time. I did pick a nice handful of blackberries as a bonus. I was concerned that the blackberries wouldn't be ripe enough to pick by the time my friend comes for a visit. I guess I don't need to worry. I added the handful to the three buckets of ripe raspberries that I picked. Yes...there are still more berries out there waiting to be picked. I ran out of energy before I could pick them all. Oh well, you can't pick them all.

I'm still working on the laundry. FedEx delivered my new bookcases so I had to take care of them. One bookcase went downstairs but #1 son hasn't taken computer time to put it together yet. I really do need to get on his case. I may just unplug his stupid computer. He kept complaining that he didn't have enough space to put things and now I bought him some more space and he still isn't unpacking. I've got to get that basement clean and organized. It's starting to drive me insane. I refuse to go out and pick more berries to center myself anymore. I'll become perfectly centered as soon as that mess in the basement is taken care of.

I'm crocheting a new afghan for #1 son. I can see that it's going to take me a while. I made it wide enough to lay flat on a king-size bed so it's going to take awhile to make it long enough not to look silly.

Murphyism of the Day

Just when you thought you picked every single berry....you come across that perfect bush that begs to be picked.

The most luscious berries only grow in the midst of the nettle bushes.

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