Saturday, August 28, 2004

I cleaned and canned two quarts of blackberries to make into wine when I get back to Arizona. I'll try and do some more serious picking as soon as the woods dry out a bit. Next week?

It's raining today...dreary and I've been sitting in front of the TV watching all about the fall of the Roman Empire as I crotchet #1 son's afghan. I fear I will have to abandon my hope of finishing this project before #1 son heads off to school. I will try to get it finished, however, before HTP and I head back to Arizona at the end of October. It's hard to grasp the fact that #1 son will be heading off to college next week. Is he ready? Am I ready?

I have picked only three ripe tomatoes from my many tomato plants so far. I do notice that at least one of the larger tomatoes is starting to turn a faint shade of pink. I take this as a positive sign and pray that we don't get an early frost. We've had a couple of meals with the green beans that I've been able to pick from my garden. The peppers are just starting to produce tiny little peppers...too young to pick as yet. Though I've had lots of blossoms from my summer squash and zucchini plant, we've had only three squash so far. The cucumbers are doing better then that but I don't think I'll be making any pickles this year. Oh well, I plan to plant my garden a lot sooner next year.

Murphyism of the Day

The Pitfalls of Genius

No boss wil keep an employee who is right all the time.

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