Thursday, August 26, 2004

I thought I'd quickly blog before everyone is up and moving. Mink and BTP got here at around 3 AM. I had already gone to bed after leaving instructions for HTP to wake me up when they got here. He did. I'm not sure if I was truly awake but I did try to sound somewhat coherent. With all the lack of sleep, you'd think I wouldn't be up this early. Wrong. I knew I had to get up early to wash my hair and feed and walk the dogs before anyone else got up. My hair is washed but now I have to go "do something with it". We have plans for steaks on the grill tonight but I fear that it's going to rain. It's pretty dreary out there right now.

BTP mentioned something about jogging this morning? I think? He mentioned it last night right after they got here so I'm not too clear about what all was said. I suppose you can jog in the rain. I don't jog. Jogging is not for me. I used to jog. OK. It wasn't jogging back then. It was running. I used to love to run. Now running doesn't love me. My knees don't appreciate the stress. I'll stick to walking. My knees aren't too fond of that either but they'll just have to get over it. When I get back to Arizona I'll pamper them with aquaerobics.

Murphyism of the Day

Aigner's Axiom

No matter how well you perform your job, a superior will seek to modify the results.

*I sure hope #1 son did a good job cleaning that bathroom downstairs. Maybe I'd better go check.

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