Monday, August 23, 2004

Yesterday I went berry picking...again. They're still out there. I picked a full ice cream bucket full. This time there were more blackberries mixed in. After cleaning them all I figured out that 1/3 of the berries that I picked were blackberries. That's promising. I'll take #1 son out berry picking with me next week. I want enough blackberries to make several batches of blackberry wine.

Today #1 son and I went over to visit with my folks and meet my cousin John's wife and kids. They were staying at his brother's place across the lake for a few days having flown in from Washington, the state. It's been a long time since I've seen my cousin John and I'd never met his wife and kids. I think they may be stopping over here to see our place later... Gotta go vacuum...again. HTP has gone out to get bait so we can go fishing later. Hah! Futile pursuit! The fish haven't been biting.

Murphyism of the Day

Gioia's Theory

The person with the least expertise has the most opinions.

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