Wednesday, November 03, 2004

It ain't over until it's over. I stayed up late...really late and into the early hours of this morning and it still wasn't over. The election all came down to one last battle for the electoral votes from Ohio. I still don't know how the election went in Wisconsin. It was too close to call by the time I finally lost consciousness. And this after we spent $30 so we could send our absentee ballots back to The Lake in time for them to count. They made it. They arrived at The Lake at around 4:30 PM, Lake time...yesterday. The polls were still open. Whew! We, as a nation, finally recognized acknowledged a new/old President, whether you like it or not, at around 10 AM, Arizona time. I listened to the concession speech given by John Edwards and John Kerry. I listened to the acceptance speech given by George W. Bush. Four more years. I hope and I pray that something gets done in the next four years. I hope that these next four years aren't wasted by those whose only goal might be that of campaigning for our next President. It's over. We have a President. Let's take advantage of that fact and get something done. I'm realistic.... pessimistic...or optimistic... enough to know that we only have two years to accomplish anything before the partisan bickering returns and campaigning commences for the Presidential Election 2008.

Murphyism of the Day

Van Roy's Law

If you can distinguish between good advice and bad advice, then you don't need advice.

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