Friday, November 26, 2004

Seafood buffet at Sam's Town. I had all the raw oysters I could possibly eat and then another whole huge plate of crablegs. And then, who could pass up real mashed potatoes with gravy and rare roast beef and a bite of turkey? Then, if that wasn't enough, I had a piece of lemon meringue pie (mine is a lot better because I use real lemons not the bottled stuff...oh...and my meringue is better too), and a bowl of Rocky Road ice cream, and a bowl of Peppermint Bon Bon ice cream...that's chocolate mint chip for those who aren't from where I grew up. And I had a cup of coffee. Yes, I overate. I overate a lot. I need to get home and exercise. I need to stay away from food for at least another few weeks. We're driving home tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, I'm making a Thanksgiving feast when we get home. And then there's Christmas cookies to make. And then there's Christmas, and then New Year's.... I'm doomed. Doomed!

My luck has not changed. HTP has had lots of luck. I've always noticed that when HTP is having luck at a casino, I'm not. Interesting phenomenon that. Oh well, I had lots of luck that last two time we came. I suppose I was due for a run of bad luck. I decided to come up to the room and blog. I read my book...I finished my book. I should have brought my knitting. Maybe if I'd brought my knitting my luck would have been better. Who knows? I also decided to pack. I always pack the night before we leave because I don't track too well in the mornings. Without coffee I tend to be too scattered in my organizational skills. Something that should only take 1o minutes ends up taking 30 minutes. Drives me nuts. So, I pack when I'm "together" and then maybe I'll hit those stupid machines one more time before bed. Grrrr!!!!! Evil machines!

Murphyism of the Day

Levy's First Law

No amount of genius can overcome a preoccupation with detail.

Levy's Second Law

Only God can make a random selection.

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