Thursday, March 21, 2013

My Progress on the  Dr. Who Scarf

Word of the Day

Toe cleavage - The result of women's footwear that is cut too deeply along the top of the foot, showing where the toes begin, but not the entire toe.

I posted a picture of my progress so far on the Dr. Who scarf. This is going to take a while. I'm about 1/6th of the way if you don't add on the time it'll take me to make the tassels.

C25K Status Report

Reluctantly, I left the house at around 7:30 AM, Kylee in tow. She wasn't reluctant, I was. I really didn't feel like jogging today but...I did. I wore my new shoes which did seem to make a bit of difference. I also brought water which REALLY helped. It was warmer this morning. I think it only got down to 60 degrees last night so by the time my jog was almost done, it was getting quite warm. However, that shouldn't be an issue on Sunday for my next jog. Actually, despite my reluctance, I felt better today after I completed my run than Tuesday. However, I did have a problem with the socks that I wore. I feel a bit like the princess in The Princess and the Pea. I had a problem with the seam of my right sock rubbing on my little toe. I ended up with a blister. Also, I'll need to get used to my new shoes. I definitely felt a bit of strain on my shins and my right knee during this run. The problem corrected itself when I altered my running style (how my feet hit the ground and adding a bit more muscle power in my thighs and hips). I think the new shoes will force me to run correctly from now on. I'll save my light-weight hiking boots for hiking.
So ends Week 2 Day 2 of C25K. Since I have a 5K Heart Walk on Saturday morning, Day 3 of Week 2 will have to wait until Sunday.

I noticed this morning that the landscapers cut two of my drip system lines. I had to wait until the water shut itself off before fixing the problem. I had two nice fountains going off in my backyard, added to my actual decorative fountain. After my C25K run, I dug some new emitters out of the supply cabinet and, hopefully, fixed the problem fountains.

Random Quote of the Day

You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants.

Stephen King (1947 - ), "Hearts in Atlantis"

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