Friday, October 17, 2003

13 Days before my daughter's wedding. And there will be Jordan Almonds! They arrived today in good condition. The border guards let them through. Woohoo! And I haven't received any visits from strange men in suits either. I'm not a terrorist! I'm just a mother planning her daughter's wedding! Some people may compare the two (mothers and terrorists) and find some sort of similarity but as the mother in question, I just don't see it.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

An average American will eat 350 cows, 310 hogs, and 225 lambs in a lifetime. I have no idea where this little bit of trivia comes from but I really don't think that I eat that much meat. Well...maybe cows but not lambs. I don't like lamb. I do eat a lot of chickens though. Do eggs count? Pre-chickens?

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